SUSPENDED CEILING INSULATION - Retain heat. Save energy. Save money

We regularly get asked "how do you insulate a suspended ceiling?" here at BMD, and of course there are many ways you could choose to do this:
- Could I use blown or loose insulation on top of the existing tiles?
Well you could, but we wouldn't recommend it - blowing or placing loose insulation into a space like that could get fairly messy! Also if you ever have to lift any tiles to get access to plumbing or electrics then it would be like opening the hatch to a sand bunker above you!
- Could I use rolls of Fibreglass Loft Roll like I have used in my loft? Again, you could, but it would be quite difficult access wise again should you need to lift a tile and may pull the insulation out of alignment and leave cold spots. Also fibres can fall through any gaps and settle onto surfaces in the rooms below.
- Could I use PIR Foil Faced foam insulation boards? Yes you could do this - they come in many thicknesses and provide good levels of insulation but you would have to do a large amount of cutting to get the boards shaped to the size of each tile to properly fit them. If you put strips above many tiles or full sheets across the tiles then you will struggle to get easy access again should you need to for plumbing and electrical servicing etc. There is also less flexibility to go over or around pipework and service ducts that are close to the ceiling tiles or grid.
- What is the best type of insulation to use for insulating a suspended ceiling?
High performance mineral wool encapsulated in a black, breathable poly-wrap, incorporating a fire retardant additive. Some refer to this as bagged insulation, insulation bags or insulation pads.

Standard Sizes -
600x600MM or 1200X600MM
and at thicknesses of
100mm, 150mm and 200mm. Standard Materials are Mineral Wool, but pads can also be ordered in Rockwool to give increased acoustic benefits
Features: 1) None-itch 2) No loose fibres. 3) Clean and easy to handle & fit. 4) Movable. 5) Can be stacked. 6) Can be taken with you when you move location! 7) Lightweight. 8) Flexible.
They’re light enough to avoid damaging your ceiling, yet weighty enough to keep your ceiling tiles in place should drafts or pressure changes in a room threaten to lift them.
Don’t think that it’s only new suspended ceiling installations that can benefit from ceiling insulation. Ceiling pads will fit above any suspended ceiling and it's never too late to fit them.
Improve your sound efficiency, reduce your energy wastage and start saving money today! Fit suspended ceiling insulation from BMD

What to do next? Firstly, before you order or fit any insulation, check with the company that made the ceiling panels and grid to be sure that they will support the additional weight of any insulation that you propose to fit.
You may have to beef up the grid that the insulation rests on by adding further new hanger wires between each existing pair of wires thus supporting the increased weight over more fixings.
Next, if there are any light fixtures, electronic machinery or electrical boxes above the ceiling panels, ensure that you keep the insulation at least 75mm (3 inches) away from them unless they are rated for contact with insulation.
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